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I’m lucky enough to be able to garden in beautiful San Diego. For years, I’ve been saying that my goal is to grow most of the veggies for my family. I always start off great. I’m a fantastic planter. However, as the season goes on, “life” starts happening, and my harvest sits in my garden, sadly, waiting for me.

img_9534This year is different. My goal this season is to eat something from my veggie garden every day. Maybe this is spinach for our morning smoothie. Maybe this is an onion in our stir fry. Maybe it’s snap peas for a snack. That is my goal. In years to come, I hope that I can grow all of the veggies for my family!

So recently I went out and cleaned up my garden. The end of summer veggie harvest was beautiful. And it was a perfect way to get myself motivated for the winter garden. I picked tomatoes (is there anything tastier than garden-picked tomatoes?), eggplants, bell peppers and jalapenos.

This weekend the cauliflower, broccoli, snap peas, spinach, and all of the rest of the yummy winter veggies, will be planted.

There’s no better way to wind down than working in the garden.